NfoLD Webinars
NfoLD Webinar: Mars Sample Return
April 16, 2024
NfoLD Webinar: Mars Sample Return
Dr. Louise Jandura - NASA JPL: Perseverance's Sampling and Caching System - How Does it Work?
Dr. Sandra Siljestrom - Sweden's Research Institute RISE: Monitoring Potential Contamination During Sampling by the Perseverance Rover
NfoLD Think Tank: Mars 2020 Science Results
February 20, 2024
NfoLD Think Tank: Mars 2020 Science Results
Dr. Roger Wiens - Purdue University - Data Returned by SuperCam
Dr. Maria-Paz Zorzano - Centro de Astrobiologia University - Data Returned by Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA)
NfoLD Forum: Early Career Council Takeover
October 17, 2023
This month we have a special treat as our Early Career Council Leadership Committee is presenting their research! Their expertise covers a broad range throughout the life detection spectrum and it promises to be a fantastic hour of research and discussion. Plus, it's a great opportunity to meet the Early Career Council leaders, and hear about some of the activities available to early career scientists, and how they support our life detection efforts throughout NfoLD.
Bonnie Teece - NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
Taylor Plattner - Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Osama Alian, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
NfoLD Special Meeting: OSIRIS-REx Sample Return from Bennu!
August 29, 2023
NASA’s OSIRIS-REx, the first U.S. mission to collect a sample from an asteroid, will return to Earth on Sept. 24, 2023, with material from asteroid Bennu. When it arrives, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will release the sample capsule for a safe landing in the Utah desert. The pristine material from Bennu – rocks and dust collected from the asteroid’s surface in 2020 – will offer generations of scientists a window into the time when the Sun and planets were forming about 4.5 billion years ago.
In anticipation of this historic event, Heather Graham and Aaron Burton will be presenting on the significance of OSIRIS REx and its impact on the community.
Heather Graham - NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
Aaron Burton - NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX
NfoLD Forum on May 16, 2023
NfoLD Think Tank: Science Merits and Technology Readiness of Microscopy Observations at Ocean Worlds
Brent Christner, University of Florida: Microscopy as a tool for life detection
Richard Quinn, NASA Ames: Developing an imaging system for life detection missions
NfoLD Forum on April 11, 2023
NfoLD Forum: Research and Technology for the Detection of Biosignatures
Fabien Kenig, University of Illinois, Chicago: Lipids as Biosignatures on Ocean Worlds
William Brinckerhoff, Goddard Space Flight Center: Potential application of in situ separation mass spectrometry to astrobiological investigations of ocean worlds
NfoLD Forum on November 22, 2022
Topic: Peptides for Life Detection
Ricardo Arevalo- Detecting peptide biosignatures via laser desorption mass spectrometry (LDMS)
Brook Nunn - Revealing metabolisms of psychrophilic bacteria to low nutrient, high salinity, subzero environments to find peptide motifs for life detection
NfoLD and NExSS Standards of Evidence
Background videos for the Standards of Evidence Workshop during the summer of 2021. Topics include an analysis of the reporting and science of phosphine detection on Venus, the history of the Viking Lander biology experiments, and an overview of remote sensing and in-situ detection methods.