LDF Structure: Biosignature Knowledge Base(KB) & the Measurement Technology Forum (MTF): Workshop Resources
The Knowledge Base (KB) is an online repository of current knowledge with regard to biosignatures. The KB, a component of the Life Detection Forum project, provides a browsable/searchable forum for organizing the scientific literature on biosignatures around arguments related to the potential for false positive and false negative results. An associated component, the Measurement Technology Forum (MTF), will allow technologists to link existing and emerging measurement capabilities to specific biosignature measurement needs.
The goals of this virtual workshop are to:
Introduce the life detection science and technology communities to the KB and MTF platforms
Teach participants how to work with and enter information into the KB, to enable and initiate community-contributed biosignature content
Establish working groups for the on-going development of biosignature-specific content
An anticipated outcome of the working group activities is that the development of content for entry into KB and MTF will support the preparation of biosignature-specific manuscripts to submit for publication as a special collection in Astrobiology.
The workshop will commence with a plenary session in which the conceptual and organizing basis of the KB will be introduced. Next, we will provide a primer on working within the KB system, and work through examples of how knowledge relating to specific biosignatures is mapped into the KB structure. Subsequently, facilitated working groups will be organized to populate the KB with content on specific biosignatures.
Date/Time of Introductory Session:
January 19, 2021
10:00 -12:00 PST (18:00-20:00 UTC)
Interested in Participating?
Please Note: general registration for the working groups closed on the 31st of December. If you'd still like to partake in the plenary session, would like to be added to our list of people to contact regarding future workshops, or would like further information, please contact us.
Pre-Workshop Requirements
Register as a user of the Knowledge Base (please note, the website itself is actively undergoing change. No need to contribute yet, but we'll ask participants during the working groups to access the website at various times)
Watch the debrief video from the previous workshop on defining the criteria. The criteria definition workshop was a necessary first step in preparing to develop the Knowledge Base. The debrief from the workshop covered the ways in which the outcomes from that workshop will apply to our work for the Knowledge Base in the spring of 2021.
View a series of short instructional videos relating to the KB (coming soon!)